Sunday, July 27, 2008

sweet little Michael

I just needed to write down a few things that Michael has done lately and just what a sweet little boy he is. It reminds me that I need to not always focus on all the crazy things he does. He might have a ton of energy, but he also has such a tender heart and is always thinking.
The other day we had a little mishap here at the house and I started to cry (crazy post-pregnancy hormones) and he would not leave my side for about 1/2 hour, he even started to get a little teary eyed and really wanted to make sure that I was okay. He also just loves baby Carter and whenever he cries he is always there to try to console him and at one point he thought that since Carter was just in heaven his favorite song must be " I am a child of God", so whenever we are in the car and Carter is crying, Michael will sing I am a child of God over and over again it is so sweet to listen to.
And this is the real kicker, it really makes me take a step back and look at how I treat my kids. Do I yell to much, do I do enough with them, am I too hard on them, do they know I do love them,etc....
BUT, this past weekend we were at out cabin in Waterton for a Palmer family reunion and we were hiking what was called the bears hump. Now Michael and I had never done this hike before and you do it at night. Many of you know how over dramatic I can sometimes be so it was pretty dark (11pm) and we were making our way down and I was just asking Jared if he was sure that there was no bears out here and what we would do if there was, etc.... Michael was leading the way with the flashlight and as he heard me asking Jared about the bears and I am sure he could sense my nervousness he chimed in with the following " mom, don't worry I will jump in front of you to protect you from the bear and I will die for you" after he said this I said Michael no you are little and have much more of life to live them me and again he persisted "mom I love you and I want to die for you" it made me cry. Maybe I am not such a horrible mom after all if my little boy wants to die for me:) I really need to remember these moments when my boys are driving me crazy and that they are just wanting to have fun and not trying to drive me crazy. They really are just as sweet and my new little baby Carter, but in reality it has not been long since they were in Heaven as well!!


Susan said...

I love this blog entry...made me cry. Sweet Michael.

Kira said...

even though I already knew the story I still cried! You are so blessed.

sara said...

that is so sweet...children are amazing aren't they!